How To Tell If Your Parrot Is Stressed

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 6th Nov 2015

Reading up on parrots and how to look after them before you bring them home in their bird cages is so important, as they’re not easy pets to keep – especially if you’ve never had a bird before.

Stress is not uncommon in parrots and you need to know what signs to look out for, as well as any potential causes of stress that you can keep to a minimum to ensure your bird stays in peak condition.

Stress bars are one sign that your parrot is unhappy. These are horizontal lines that run across the feathers, so keep a look out for any feathers they shed that you can check over just to be on the safe side.

A lack of appetite is also a key signifier, as is destructive or aggressive behaviour, or fear and nervousness.

So what can trigger stress in birds? A bored parrot can become stressed quite easily, while traumatic events, loud environments, sudden noises, lack of exercise, poor health, a dirty bird cage, loneliness, moving house, changes to diet and daily routine or being too hot or cold can all contribute to the development of stress.

You need to know before you buy a parrot that they are quite sensitive birds and should be treated as such. Parrots have even been known to die because of their stress and anxiety levels so do all you can to keep your new pet happy. If you’re concerned about the welfare of your bird, make sure you book an appointment with the vet as soon as possible.

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