Tips For Keeping Your Pet Parrot Safe This Bonfire Night

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 30th Oct 2015

Parrots & FireworksGuy Fawkes can present a challenge for pet owners, with them desperately trying to calm their pooches down or soothing their beloved birds by offering them parrot toys as fireworks thunder in the sky.

That’s why we’ve put together some top tips on keeping your parrot safe and relaxed this November. 

  • Put them in a comfortable place

It’s wise to keep your parrots in a safe, cosy place on Bonfire Night, so they can find comfort there when the fireworks begin.

Make sure you close the curtains to block out flashing lights, unless you find your inquisitive bird prefers to know where the lights are coming from, then it may be worth opening them slightly.

  • Distract them with toys

There may be a lot of noise, bangs and flashes going on outside, but you can distract them from this by giving them some of their favourite toys. You might even want to buy something new to play with to really keep them entertained during the evening.

  • Drown out the noise

Fireworks displays can be very noisy, particularly if you live near to large public events. So it’s wise to drown out the uproar with your own noises.

Turn up the volume on the TV or play some music, especially tunes you know your pet loves and finds soothing.

Fireworks events can be a bit unsettling to your parrot, but if you follow these few tips you should be able to ride through this time of the year without any problems. If you do find your bird to be really distressed by the displays, get in touch with the RSPA for more advice.

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