Village of Westmont Created Calendar ‘People & Their Pets’ to Promote Animal Adoption

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 30th Sep 2015

Amazon parrot calendarHere at Parrot Essentials, we offer you a large range of colourful high quality parrot calendars for the upcoming year, however we believe it will be very interesting for you to read about the initiative from the Westmont Village Community.



Employees from Village of Westmont have created a pet calendar to help promote pet adoption & positive pet care.

“It’s important that people know that there are animal care resources available to them including the information regarding animal adoption and volunteering,” says Rosanne Terry, Village of Westmont Community Service Office and Animal Control Liaison.

In the future Terry hopes to print out and sell Pet Calendars to raise funds for pet shelters and rescue facilities.

The People & Their Pets 2016 Calendar contains photos and description of the village staff along with their pets.

On the cover is a photo of the Village Manager Steve May and his feathered friend Violet, Orange Wing Amazon Parrot.

parrot calendar

According to Chicago Tribune, Mr May said that “Many people have seen pictures and videos of abandoned and abused animals in the media, but once you have come in direct contact with them it is impossible to forget and to ignore. Because of this I was eager to participate in the village pet calendar, especially because I know there are not as many people aware of the need for safety and protection of exotic birds.”

Furthermore, May said that often people think that looking after parrots is easy and then these exotic birds are left neglected and abandoned.

“Exotic birds are not considered domesticated; they maintain the behaviours and instincts needed to survive in the wild,” May said.

It is very important to bring to people’s attention that birds are not domesticated like dogs and cats. They are still wild, undomesticated creatures at most only a few generations removed from their native habitats.

Some of the goals for this calendar are to promote positive pet care and animal awareness. These goals are strongly supported by the team at Parrot Essentials and we also try to promote this as much as we can. Unfortunately, the realities and difficulties of living with pets and especially with parrots are not yet well-known to the public.

Download Free the Village of Westmont People & Their Pets 2016 calendar from here.

#Volunteer #Donate #Adopt #Foster #Rescue

Credits: Chicago Tribune & Westmont Illinois

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