Can A Parrot Eat Toast? Everything You Need to Know!
If you own a parrot, you’ll realise sooner rather than later that these birds love treats. And since nothing is more desirable than any food that you are eating, it’s not uncommon for your parrot to lunge for your toast. But can a parrot eat toast, or should you refrain from sharing?
Parrots are omnivores that can eat a wide variety of foods. The basic answer is: yes, they can eat toast, but whether it’s good for them is a different story.
In this article, we’ll highlight the benefits and drawbacks of toast for your parrot and provide some basics on parrot nutrition so you know what nutrients your avian companion needs. We’ll also answer some of those burning questions about what you can (or can’t) feed your parrot.
Parrot Nutrition Information
Providing your feathered friend with nutritious food is one of the most important things you can do to ensure its longevity. Parrots, like humans, need a balanced diet. And like humans, they often suffer from obesity and malnutrition as a result of eating unsuitable foods.
The general consensus is to give them granulated (pelleted) bird food, which is much healthier than the typical mixture of dried seeds. A diet of dry seeds alone will lead to health problems like fatty liver disease and can actually drastically shorten your bird’s life. It’s simply too high in fat and too low in nutrients to serve as a staple food.
Additionally, parrots are intelligent creatures that require mental stimulation and intellectual activity. So, variety in their diet is a good option to help break the boredom and monotony of their daily eating.
The most important factor in putting together a healthy diet for your birds is to make it as natural as possible. In the wild, parrots eat various foods, including seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits, and even things like flowers, leaf shoots, bark and insects. These foods, or something similar to them, must be part of the parrot’s diet to ensure optimal nutrition.
The main component of a parrot’s diet should usually be a balanced diet based on cereals (pellets) with the addition of nuts and seeds, depending on the species. Fresh vegetables should be offered daily, while fresh fruits can be fed a few times a week.
You could consider something like the following ratios for your bird:
Pellets and complete feed for parrots: | 60% |
Seeds, nuts and cereals: | 10% |
Fruits and vegetables: | 20-25% |
Treats: | 5-10% |
Can a Parrot Eat Toast?
As discussed earlier, you can treat your parrot to a little toast from time to time. It contains minerals that help vitalise your birds and keep them healthy. It also holds a rich amount of vitamins, from B12 to E. The latter, Vitamin E, helps keep your parrot’s feathers intact, while the former ensures its nervous system stays functional.
Additionally, toast contains calcium that strengthens your parrot’s bones and beak, just like in humans. Calcium also helps regulate your parrot’s digestive system and keep its blood fluid flowing.
However, the bread for the toast should be organic, whole-grain, and ideally wholemeal. Bread can be high in salt, so a low-sodium option would be perfect.
What to Consider Before Feeding Toast to Your Parrot
Although parrots love the crunchy texture, toast has a low nutritional value, which does not benefit them in the long run. White bread toast is particularly overloaded and contains little or no nutrients for your parrot compared to wholemeal bread. Your bird can have a few crumbs as a snack or treat, but it should never be a staple in their diet.
Before you feed your parrot toast, consider the risks and potential health problems that come along with it.
Toasts Vs. Bread
Toast is different from bread. It has undergone a heating process that causes the bread to dry and usually turn black or brown on the surface. There is a continuing concern that burnt or crispy pieces of toast have carcinogenic (cancer-causing) potential.
However, the main ingredient that can pose a risk to parrots consuming toast appears to be acrylamide. This is a compound found in starch-containing foods after cooking. According to the Food and Drug Administration, consuming large amounts of acrylamide may cause cancer. This could be a concern for parrots, which weigh much less than humans and can, therefore, more easily end up in danger.
Bread Options for a Parrot
Most breads or sliced sandwiches are bad choices for parrot food. Usually, these packaged bread slices are highly processed and contain preservatives and chemicals that have no place in a parrot’s diet.
Bread-like foods such as doughnuts, sandwiches, pretzels and bagels also contain loads of sugar and/or salt. They don’t provide parrots with any nutritional value.
It’s helpful to choose healthier options, i.e., bread with more wholemeal and whole grains, and especially organically made bread if you do want to share a small piece from time to time. These types of bread are less likely to contain harmful preservatives.
If your parrot is begging for a piece of your breakfast toast, here’s how you can prepare some that’s not as harmful to your avian companion.
How to Feed Toast
If you want to continue to feed your parrot some bread for added variety and enrichment, here are some things you can consider.
- Organic, coarse brown bread is the best choice for parrots. It contains the lowest amount of chemicals and preservatives that can harm parrots.
- Depending on your parrot’s size, it can have anywhere from a few crumbs to a quarter or half piece of toast.
- Don’t burn the bread. Some crunchy texture is great, but the toast shouldn’t be black.
- Don’t add butter or other spreads like jam, which is very high in sugar. Peanut butter is fine, but it’s very fatty, so a little goes a very long way.
- If your parrot is not a fan of the crunch, you could try soaking the bread in some water, plant-based milk or juice instead. That might tempt it!
Parrots can be fed a small piece of bread no more than every other week or so. The key to feeding your parrot bread is to do so sparingly and in small portions, depending on the size of the bird.
Can Parrots Eat White Bread?
Short answer: no, ideally no. White bread is highly processed and has high levels of salt, carbohydrates, chemicals and preservatives. Parrots don’t process chemicals and preservatives properly, not to mention that these are just empty calories!
Can Parrots Eat Peanut Butter?
Parrots can eat peanut butter, but it’s best to feed it sparingly and as a special treat. Natural peanut butter is already full of fats, but to add insult to injury, the processed version is full of ingredients such as molasses, sugar and palm oil.
What Foods Kill Parrots?
Their sense of taste helps parrots discover the world around them. However, some daily staples you may have in your home can cause problems for your feathered pet.
These include:
- Alcohol
- Avocado
- Dairy products
- Chocolate or cocoa
- Some fruit seeds
- Caffeine
Also, avoid all foods rich in salt, fat and sugar and/or that contain colourants or preservatives.
What Other Food Can Parrots Eat? 
- Raw vegetables (preferably organic, if available)
- Cooked whole grains and/or pseudocereals such as rice (brown, wild or forbidden), oats, barley, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and teff
- Soaked, cooked or sprouted legumes
- Raw, soaked or sprouted nuts and seeds
- Limited amount of raw fruit
- Fruits, seeds and nuts together should not make up more than 10% to 20% of your parrot’s diet. Vegetables can be fed more freely.
Many people assume that parrots in the wild eat a diet composed only of fruit and nuts, but researchers have found that this is a misconception for most parrots. Wild birds consume much more energy than captive birds, so they need the extra sugars and fats in nuts and fruits.
In addition, fruit consumed in the wild contains much less sugar than fruit grown for human consumption. Offer fruits, seeds and nuts just as treats and focus on raw, unsalted fresh fruits and nuts.
Conclusion: Can a parrot eat toast?
Yes. Parrots can eat toast. It won’t hurt them, and they can ingest it fine, especially if it’s whole-wheat. Whether it’s good for them is a different story.
Toast isn’t particularly nutritious for parrots, even though it works well as a treat. If you’re worried about the health implications, just stick with feeding natural treats like unsalted nuts.