Parrot Essentials Blog

Parrot Care

Pet Parrot Care - Avoid Doing These 11 Things with Your Pet Parrot

Pet Parrot Care - Avoid Doing These 11 Things with Your Pet Parrot

Parrot Essentials 04.12.2024 14 minute read

Parrot Care

Pet Parrot Care is a topic covered by many, and if you just got your first parrot or are just trying to continue learning, it can be difficult to figure...

What is Pet Remedy and How Does it Work?

What is Pet Remedy and How Does it Work?

Parrot Essentials 03.12.2024 8 minute read

Our Brands | Parrot Care

Introducing Pet Remedy for Parrots and Birds, an innovative calming solution designed to alleviate your pet's anxiety and assist them in tackling their...

Parrot Aggression - Explanations and Solutions

Parrot Aggression - Explanations and Solutions

Parrot Essentials 03.12.2024 7 minute read

Parrot Care

It can be heartbreaking if your previously snuggly parrot seems to become aggressive overnight or if the long-awaited feathered addition to the family...

10 Things To Do If You Have a Parrot as a Pet

10 Things To Do If You Have a Parrot as a Pet

Parrot Essentials 28.11.2024 7 minute read

Parrot Care

If you've decided to have a parrot as a pet, it's important to keep in mind that these birds are very smart, curious and social. They need some...

How to Prepare Fresh Parrot Food as Recommended by Parrot Essentials

How to Prepare Fresh Parrot Food as Recommended by Parrot Essentials

Parrot Essentials 25.11.2024 7 minute read

Parrot Care

How to Make Fresh Parrot Food from SproutsMany parrot owners have asked us how we prepare our fresh parrot food, so we decided to share the recipe with...

What Are Organic Parrot Food Pellets?

What Are Organic Parrot Food Pellets?

Parrot Essentials 25.11.2024 10 minute read

Parrot Care

If you've ever come across the phrase on a bag of parrot food, you may be wondering: what are organic parrot food pellets? The basic gist is that...

Positive Reinforcement in Parrot Training

Positive Reinforcement in Parrot Training

Parrot Essentials 21.11.2024 7 minute read

Parrot Care

Parrot training is a vital part of integrating these intelligent and curious creatures into our daily lives. Positive reinforcement in parrot training is...

Feather Plucking In Parrots - Causes & What To Do

Feather Plucking In Parrots - Causes & What To Do

Parrot Essentials 18.11.2024 11 minute read

Parrot Care

If your parrot has suddenly started plucking its beautiful feathers and ended up with a bare chest, it can be easy to panic. What's going on?! Is...

Can Parrots Eat Dandelions?

Can Parrots Eat Dandelions?

Parrot Essentials 12.11.2024 9 minute read

Parrot Care

Did you know that there are all sorts of home-grown foods and even weeds that your parrot will see as a delicacy? What about something along the lines of...

Best Parrot Pellets in the UK - A Comprehensive Guide

Best Parrot Pellets in the UK - A Comprehensive Guide

Parrot Essentials 07.11.2024 6 minute read

Parrot Care

If you're a responsible pet parent, you know how crucial it is to provide your parrot with the right kind of food. While a basic dry seed mix was...

Can Parrots Eat Honey?

Can Parrots Eat Honey?

Parrot Essentials 05.11.2024 9 minute read

Parrot Care

Most pet parents or owners love to let their pets try new foods. If you have a parrot, you'll know that they want to sample everything that we eat!...

What Are The Best Foods for Small Parrots?

What Are The Best Foods for Small Parrots?

Parrot Essentials 01.11.2024 8 minute read

Parrot Care

If you’ve recently adopted a small feathered friend, or you’re thinking about adding a small parrot to your family, understanding your new...

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