Parrot Essentials Blog Old

Gracie, a rising star!

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 9th Oct 2015

Gracie is an African Grey owned by Anguel Iordanov of Parrot Essentials and has hit the headlines on more than one occasion. Despite her now many attributes, she was once a weak fledging on whom it wa … read more

Snoop Dogg The Parrot Returns To The Coop

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 8th Oct 2015

A home burglary that saw two parrots stolen has had a happy ending after all, with both birds returning to their parrot perches at long last. According to the Northern Echo, African grey parrots Snoop … read more

Parrot Diseases & Illnesses To Look Out For

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 7th Oct 2015

Whether you’ve owned birds before or have just got your first set of parrot shredding toys, you need to make sure you know all there is to know about avian health so you can protect your new pet … read more

History of Pet Parrots

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 7th Oct 2015

Nowadays parrots have become very desired pets for bird lovers. There are more than 350 species of birds, however some of the species have become more popular pets than others because of their vibrant … read more

Save The Hawaiian Bird Species

Posted by Parrot Essentials on 6th Oct 2015

Oahu Elepaio (Chasiempis ibidis), an endangered bird type found only in Hawaii. 81 Hawaiian bird species are already extinct, however environmentalists say 82nd may disappear too, if action for their … read more