Free Access to Webinar on Training Parrots by Barbara Heidenreich
Posted by Parrot Essentials on 16th Oct 2015
Watch for free educational webinar on training parrots!
Learn how to train your parrot to accept oral medications, be comfortable wrapped in a towel, and participate in preventative care. Discover techniques to introduce new objects (such as medical instruments) without creating fear responses.
Learn which behaviours to prioritize to reduce stress for health care of your bird and how to gain cooperation from your parrot while at the veterinary hospital.
This Webinar on Training Rescued/Rehomed Parrots was recorded on August 8, 2015. Total run time is 1 hour and 52 minutes.
It is available FREE of charge for a limited time only!
If you have any problems viewing the recording or getting the link to work, try pasting the link in another browser (such as Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge for Windows users). If you are on an iPad or iPhone, use the free app Puffin or Photon as your browser.
Here is the link to the webinar by Barbara Heidenreich:
Credits: GoodBird
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