Senegal Parrot – Profile & Care Guide

Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus), a popular pet bird.

Common name: Senegal Parrot
Latin name:
Poicephalus senegalus
23 cm/9 inches
120-150 grams
Life Span:
25-30 years
Savanna woodlands and forests of West Africa (Senegal, Gambia and Mali)
Noise Level:

Senegal parrot intelligence

Senegal Parrots are known to display their intelligence in different ways, with some of them demonstrating it by figuring their way out of a cage while others express theirs verbally.

Senegal parrot talking ability

Limited, although many Senegal Parrot owners have reported that their parrots have learned a number of words and mimic household sounds. Their voices are not as clear as Conures and they have more of a tiny parakeet voice.

Feather plucking in Senegal parrots

Unlike the African Grey Parrot, the Senegal Parrot is not nearly as prone to behavior problems like feather plucking. However, boredom can still induce feather plucking in this species.

Housing for your Senegal parrot

  • A good recommendation would be a cage a minimum size of 45cm x 45cm x 60cm. If your Senegal parrot is going to be home alone all day, do consider a larger cage as it will need enough room for a variety of toys and room to swing and play between them.
  • The bar spacing should be 1.5cm – 2cm.
  • The cage should be placed in a part of the house where the bird will have lots of contact with people, If your family becomes its flock - because you are spending quality time with it - your bird will want to come out a lot and be with you.
  • Senegal Parrots, need lots of room to climb and play. They need lots and lots of toys and the toys need to be rotated often so they don’t get bored.
  • Consider getting a cage with a playpen on top for them to play on when you are home. The more room they have the happier they will be.
There are two subspecies of Senegal parrot. P. senegalus senegalus sports a yellow chest, while P. senegalus versteri has more orange.
Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus), a popular pet bird.
Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus), a popular pet bird.
Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus), a popular pet bird.

Feeding your Senegal parrot

  • Their diet in the wild consists of seed, grain, fruits and leaf buds. They love figs and seeds of the wild locust tree, millet, maize and peanuts.
  • They should be offered a varied diet consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and high quality pellets. If your bird is reluctant to try new foods, time and patience is of the essence here.
  • Fresh clean water should be available at all times. Food and water dishes should be washed daily.


In summarising, Senegal parrots are playful and independent birds, their temperament is good and they enjoy climbing, chewing and playing with their toys. The relatively small size of these birds along with their generally quiet nature makes them suitable for many families. Be warned: they can become spiteful and nippy, especially if not handled often. They can also be moody and very sensitive!