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My Pet Parrot Stories: Lynn & Hooch

Parrot Essentials
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Welcome back to “My Pet Parrot Stories,” brought to you by Parrot Essentials! This month, we’re excited to share a captivating tale of companionship between Lynn Oldfield and her vivacious yellow-crowned Amazon pet parrot, Hooch. Hooch is a 15-year-old male yellow-crowned Amazon parrot named after the lemon-flavoured alcoholic drink in a green bottle due to the colouring of his plumage.

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My Pet Parrot Stories - Lynn and Hooch

The Meeting Story

Q: How did your parrot come into your life?

Hooch has been living with Lynn for just over 10 years now. About their meeting, she says:

Hooch came into my life quite unexpectedly. Even though I had always hoped one day to bring a parrot into my life, I was actually in the pet shop to buy some frozen mice for my royal python, and there he was!

The bond we share is close and loving, but it can also be very challenging at times, as Hooch is very territorial and can be aggressive and unpredictable. Gaining his trust has taken much time and effort on my part, but having him in my life has made me a much better person.

Q: Why did you choose this pet parrot specifically?

It’s difficult to describe what it was that drew me to Hooch (perhaps it was the other way round!) as I’d come across several parrots for sale over the years, and none of them ‘got me’ like Hooch, even though I did know of the challenges particularly associated with Amazon parrots and their sometimes, volatile behaviour.

Something inside just ‘knew’ he was the parrot for me, and then, when I turned away to leave the shop, Hooch called out to me, the first vocalisations he had made to anyone in over two weeks since being brought in, which even surprised the shop owner!

Food & Snacks

Q: What’s your parrot’s favourite food?

Hooch, like other typical Amazon parrots, really loves his food and is always watching me to see what treats I have in store for him. He particularly likes almonds, sweetcorn, organic peanut butter on wholemeal toast, sweet potato pakoras from Aldi, Lafeber Nutriberries and bell peppers. I am very careful about his dietary requirements and intake, so the bulk of his diet is made up of fresh daily chops and a portion of quality parrot pellets, with some treats in between in sensible amounts.

Hooch is also highly observant of everything around him, especially of me and whatever I’m doing, and especially when he thinks that there might be food (for him) involved! I live on my own and don’t work due to long-term ill health (I have fibromyalgia), so there is a lot of time spent in each other’s company as flock mates.

One of his most amusing quirks is when he wants some food or a drink, he will make a quaffing, gulping sound! If he sees me pick up a glass of cordial or a cuppa or if he sees me with anything he thinks might mean food, he will repeatedly ‘quaff’ and then open and close his beak as if imitating the actions of eating. If he doesn’t get what he wants, the gulping turns to all-out loud shouting and yelling, and he is loud!

Activities & Talents

Q: What activities or hobbies does your parrot enjoy the most, whether mischievous or adorable?

When it comes to fun, Hooch loves an outdoor spray bath in warm, sunny weather. He delighted in the experience, sat on his specially made ‘big perch’, clucking and squealing with delight, opening up and then mantling his wings around himself as I showered him. He even likes me to spray his ‘bottom’ as he turns his back to me and raises his tail in the air, exposing his ‘underfluffies!’ Bathtimes with Hooch are one of the joys of life, and I love his happy exuberance!

Hooch has a large and varied collection of toys. Many are old children’s toys from charity shops or toys designed for dogs to bite on. His favourite toy is a bone-shaped, hard rubber toy. Hooch has learned to squeak it when he bites it. He shows great excitement while playing with it. He taps it on the floor and tries to ‘feed’ it while crooning and purring to it.

Hooch the Amazon Parrot Playing with his favourite rubber bone

Q: What are some of Hooch’s quirks or talents?

Hooch loves chasing after ball toys, of which he has several, and it is a great way for him to release his hormonal aggression and frustration while getting good exercise. He is a very playful bird and often does so on his own initiative.

Hooch can also be quite mischievous at times, especially when he wants attention! I have a small bin by my sofa, and one of his tricks is to sneak up quietly (I have a carpet and can’t hear him coming). Then he grabs the liner and pulls it over, so I have to pick it up. Scattered litter is included, so I have to take notice of him while he just looks at me in a way that almost says, ‘Gotcha!’

Another hilarious and endearing thing about Hooch is his total fearlessness of popping balloons. This is another trick he has taught himself to do. We found it out recently when celebrating his 10th ‘Gotcha Day’ at the end of January this year. Hooch also sometimes says ‘Ooooooo’ when he’s either interested or excited about something. Also, he yells ‘Shurrup’ at any sudden, loud, or unexpected noise (learned from his previous keeper).

Traits & Character

Q: How does your parrot express affection or bond with you and others?

Like most Amazon parrots, Hooch isn’t particularly touchy-feely affectionate. However, he can be very loving in his own way when he wants to be. Especially in the evenings, when things start to calm down, he often climbs onto my shoulder. He demands long sessions of scritches and beak rubs. After that, he enjoys a good preen. He snuggles up while we watch TV, usually, some Star Trek or perhaps the Snooker when it’s on.

I call Hooch my ‘green baise buddy!’

Hooch the Amazon Pet Parrot Being an adorable birdie posing for pics

All parrots are highly intelligent and emotionally complex. They need companionship, mental stimulation, a healthy diet, and plenty of exercise. Hooch is no different. At times, hormonal aggression becomes an issue since he is a full-on alpha male. He requires careful handling, especially during the breeding season, because his moods can be quite volatile.

Parrots possess ultraviolet vision and see the world around them much more intensely than humans do. Changes in clothing, especially colours, can unsettle them. Wet hair and putting on spectacles can also present tricky issues with Hooch.

Challenges and Surprises of Life with a Pet Parrot

Q: How has your parrot impacted your life or helped you through tough times?

Sharing my life 24/7 with an Amazon parrot presents challenges, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Hooch has enriched my life beyond measure! Over the last 10 years, I have experienced many ups and downs. Some were related to my health, and others were more personal. I can’t count how many times Hooch has sensed my upset and distress. He waddles over to me, climbs up onto my shoulder and snuggles me. He asks for scritches, showing affection and offering comfort in his own unique way. His love always warms my heart.

Keeping a parrot is a huge commitment and incredibly rewarding, but it is not for everyone. I prefer the term ‘companion’ to ‘pet’ because that is exactly what these incredible birds are! Intelligent, emotional, long-lived and with numerous complex needs that not everyone is able to provide.

Learning as much as possible and preparation prior to bringing a parrot into one’s home is essential, and if possible, consider adopting an older bird in need of a home, as there are so many of them.

- Lynn Oldfield

Life With Hooch the Amazon Pet Parrot

The last 10 years spent living with Hooch have been the richest and most rewarding of my life. He brings joy into every single day. He is my reason for getting out of bed in the morning. There is rarely a dull moment with my ‘green gremlin’ around.

Yes, I sometimes wish I had known more about the complex natures of Amazon parrots before I brought him into my life. I especially wish I had understood how to handle parrot adolescence and hormonal aggression. However, I have learned to manage these issues. Most of the time, they are not a problem anymore, although I never take Hooch for granted in that respect.

I love him with every iota of my being and couldn’t imagine life without him now.

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